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Nyheder fra Medicinsk Museion

~ Nye udstillinger mm. ~


Vidensseminar med Hotel Pro Forma

Den japanske billedkunstner og performer Ayaka Okutsu er pt. artist-in-residens hos det internationale teaterkompagni Hotel Pro Forma. Med afsæt i hendes kunstinstallation Meating Ghost afholdes onsdag d. 9. april 2014 kl. 13-14 et vidensseminar på Medicinsk Museion. Vidensseminaret har foruden Ayaka Okutsu deltagelse af museumschef Thomas Söderqvist, Medicinsk Museion, centerdirektør Lene Juhl Rasmussen, Center for Sund Aldring og grundlægger af Robot Culture and Aesthetics, Elizabeth Ann Jochum. Arrangementer er gratis, men tilmelding er nødvendig. Læs mere her.

Touching the tactile. 2 dages workshop om følesansen

I samarbejde med kunstakademiet afholder Medicinsk Museion 10.-11. april en workshop om følesansen i et kunstnerisk og museologisk perspektiv. Workshoppen fokuserer på følesansen, der ofte overses i fremstillingen af udstillinger. Indlæggene sigter på at udforske den oplevelse og videnstilegnelse, der opstår, når vi rører ved noget. Se det fulde program her.


1000 håndtryk. Besøg og performance om bakterierne i og på vores krop

Den canadiske forsker og kunster Francois-Joseph Lapointe kommer til Museion som visiting artist i maj. Han er professor i biologi ved Université de Montreal og forsker blandt andet i bakterierne i vores krop og deres arvemateriale, det såkaldte metagenom. Under sit besøg vil han lave en performance på Panum, hvor han forandrer sammensætningen af bakterier på sin håndflade gennem håndtryk med forbipasserende studerende og forskere – deraf de 1000 håndtryk. Sammensætningen af mikrofloraen vil løbende blive samplet og sekventeret for at se forandringerne. De vil derefter blive visualiseret og udstillet på Museion i oktober i forbindelse med Kulturnatten. Læs mere om Lapointe og hans besøg her.


Light Break. Nicolai Howalt udstiller på Medicinsk Museion

Den internationalt anerkendte fotograf Nicolai Howalt har det seneste år haft adgang til nobelpristageren Niels Finsens apparatur, som er en del af Medicinsk Museions samling. I sit projekt Light Break har Howalt taget fat, hvor Finsen slap, og udforsket lyset fra solen gennem de over hundrede år gamle linser. Resultatet kan ses i en fotoudstilling, der åbner på Medicinsk Museion med fernisering fredag d. 11. april kl. 16-19. Læs mere her.


Giv en ”smelfie” til museet

Når ”Metascent – en udstilling om menneskets duft” åbner d. 14. maj 2014 bliver det bl.a. med 300 menneskers duftprøver på glas. Den lille udstilling handler om menneskets lugt og lugtesans, og i øjeblikket indsamler Medicinsk Museion derfor lugtprøver fra hele landet. Frivillige kan henvende sig til museet og få udlevet et duftkit bestående af en støvklud, et spørgeskema og en plasticpose, der bliver til et unikt duftportræt i udstillingen. Læs mere om smelfies her og generelt om udstillingen her



Skrøbelige liv. Performance lecture om terror og autoimmune sygdomme

Performancekunstneren Sofie Volquartz Lebech fremfører d. 26., 27. og 28. maj den personlige og politiske performance Skrøbelige liv i Museions auditorium. Forestillingen krydser terrorens og de autoimmune sygdomme og stiller et almenmenneskeligt spørgsmål: Hvordan forholder vi os til tilstande, der ikke kan bekæmpes? Efter forestillingen vil der være oplæg om bakterier, autoimmune sygdomme og vores indre økosystem ved Adjunkt Adam Bencard.
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Indslag og artikler fra vores webunivers

Medicinsk Museions blog er stadig stedet, hvor husets medarbejdere – fra museumsinspektører over konservatorer til forskere – skriver om deres arbejde og deltager i aktuelle diskussioner inden for medicinsk videnskab, forsknings-kommunikation og museologi. Se de seneste blogindlæg og udforsk ældre indslag her.
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News from Medical Museion

~ New exhibitions and more ~


Seminar with Hotel Pro Forma

The Japanese artist and performer Ayaka Okutsu is currently artist-in-residence at the international theater company Hotel Pro Forma here in Copenhagen. On the basis of her art installation ‘Meating Ghost’ a seminar will be held at Medical Museion on Wednesday 9th April 2014, 1-2pm. In addition to Ayaka Okutsu presenters will include Thomas Söderqvist, Director of Medical Museion, Lene Juhl Rasmussen, Director of Center for Healthy Aging, and Elizabeth Ann Jochum founder of Robot Culture and Aesthetics. The seminar is free, but registration is required. Read more here.

Touching the Tactile. 2 day workshop on the sense of touch

In collaboration with the Royal Academy of Arts, Medical Museion will host a workshop on the sense of touch from an art and museological perspective. One focus will be the way the sense of touch is often overlooked in the production of exhibitions. More broadly, the workshop presentations and interventions aim to explore the experience and knowledge acquisition that occurs whenever we touch something. See the full program here.

1000 handshakes. Visit of artist-scientist François-Joseph Lapointe and bacterial performance at Panum

In May, the Canadian researcher and artist Francois-Joseph Lapointe will be visiting artist at Medical Museion. Lapointe has a PhD in choreography, and is also Professor of biology at the University of Montreal. One of his research interests is the bacteria that inhabit our bodies; the ‘microbiome’, and their genetic material; the ‘metagenome’. During his visit Lapointe will perform ‘1000 handshakes’ at the Medical Faculty’s Panum building, which involves changing the composition of the bacteria in the palm of his hand by shaking hands with passing students and researchers. The composition of his hand microbiome will be periodically sampled, and the DNA sequenced to reveal changes over time. The results will be visualized as maps of his changing microbiome and displayed at Panum and at Medical Museion in October as a part of the annual Culture Night. Read more about Lapointe and his visit here.

Light Break. Nicolai Howalt exhibition at Medical Museion

Over the past year the internationally renowned Danish photographer Nicolai Howalt has had access to Nobel laureate Niels Finsen’s apparatus, which is part of the collection of Medical Museion. In his project ‘Light Break’ Howalt has taken up where Finsen left off, exploring the light of the sun through the hundred-year-old lenses. The results can be seen in a photography exhibition that opens at Medical Museion with a private view on Friday 11th April, 4-7pm. The exhibition will remain open until 13th July 2014. Read more here.

Give a " smelfie " to the museum

When ‘Metascent - an exhibition on human smell’ opens on 14th May 2014 it will include 300 human scent samples in glass jars. This temporary exhibition deals with human odor and smell, and Medical Museion is therefore busy collecting odor samples from across the country. If you would like to take part, contact the museum to receive a “smell-kit” consisting of a cloth to be worn close to the body, a plastic bag and envelope for returning the cloth, and a short questionnaire. All the cloths we receive will be displayed as unique scent portraits in the exhibition, and will be anonymous. Read more about smelfies here (in Danish) and about the exhibition in general here.

Fragile Life. Performance lecture on terrorism and autoimmune diseases

‘Fragile Life’ is a performance lecture on terrorism and autoimmune disease by performance artist Sofie Volquartz Lebech. Terrorism and autoimmune diseases share a common thread; they are both difficult to combat because the threat is internal. Following the performance Adam Bencard from Medical Museion will give a short presentation on bacteria and autoimmune diseases. Read more and book tickets here.

Recent blog posts from Medical Museion

The Medical Museion blog continues to feature voices from across the curatorial, exhibition, and academic staff, and highlights activities here alongside current debates across medical science, science communication, and museology. See recent posts and explore older ones on the main page of our homepage.
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